Rohland Family Mission

What incredible months I have been living!! The most incredible update I have to give is that I got married on the 29th of November to my beautiful wife Letícia. We met here in Brazil at the beginning of 2022 through Dunamis Pockets and now we have the opportunity to serve the Lord here and in the nations.

This year we have already seen so many amazing testimonies from Brazil and our mission trip to France! We started the year together leading intercession for our annual university evangelist retreat (Pockets Immersion)!! So many people empowered and impacted to live the Kingdom of God in their university.

Shortly after our retreat, we went off to mission trips groups to the nations! My wife and I were honored to lead the mission trip evangelisms with worship ministry. During our evangelisms, we saw salvations by people being drawn in through the presence of God and praising him. One man came to our group during our public worship and said he felt freedom over his life when he approached us at the Paris Saclay University. Our team prayed for him and he gave his life to Christ after!! Praise the Lord! At the same university at a different campus one of the students who was a Christian had been fasting and praying weekly to receive a baptism of the Holy Spirit. The team prayed for him and was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues and prophesying revival in the university! Wow! We serve a mighty God.

Later on in the trip at Sorbonne University we went with one of the students to evangelize in front. A young man approached us and I received a word of knowledge that when he was 3 years old his dad had committed adultery and he felt he never had a Dad since. He said who are you? I am just Joseph and I love Jesus and you have a perfect father that will never reject you. I told him about the fathership of God in my life and he began crying I received his contact and he told me that he believed God would meet with him in his dreams that night. A powerful seed planted in his life. All Glory to Jesus!

Dunamis Pockets year of 2023 (Global Results): 400+ Salvations, 560+ Physical Healings, Baptisms of the Holy Spirit 70+

Where are we now?? Ley and I are back in the city São Paulo we were able to get a nice apartment here three minutes walking difference from the office/church my operations are held for Dunamis Pockets. Ley is leading worship for our young adults group and on Sundays and continuing teaching French and English with online classes! She is so anointed! I am continuing working with Dunamis Pockets, as well as, serving in our university evangelistic ministry as well as serving Zion Church by visiting a juvenile detention center leading worship and discipling the youth through the Word of God! Recently, I entered into another ministry of Dunamis, “Dunamis Greenhouse” which is a 15 day revival training school to bring the Kingdom of God to all the spheres of society! I will share more about this new door opened soon!Thank you for all your love prayers and financial support!

(UPDATE) : ALL donations I receive will all be able to have tax write-off through Missionary Enablers International!

here is the website to give:
My Identification code is: RJ4073.




Stories of God’s glory