Stories of God’s glory

Here are some of the most powerful moments I am so excited to share these past months!

I recently went to a juvenile detention center with the outreach ministry of Zion Church which is my local church in Brazil and on the way had a strong feeling that prodigals would come back home. I asked the Lord for Him to give me the person with the darkest past and that He would use me to share His love and light. While in the detention center I saw the teenager I prayed for and he had deep darkness in his eyes and I felt a huge compassion for him. After a time of worship and ministering, I received word of knowledge for this teenager sitting in the back corner that he had been abused and that Jesus was crying over everything that happened to him. After this, he came and sat in front during the whole time of preaching. When he came closer to receive prayer I saw his face had been burned by cigarettes. He confirmed this abuse he had endured and received Jesus into his heart and a supernatural internal healing by returning to the Father’s house. The light of Christ filled his eyes and the Holy Spirit dwelled in his heart and he left smiling.

Two weeks ago we had our Dunamis Conference which was our biggest conference ever as a ministry with over 12,000 people present!!! We saw dozens and dozens of healings and many callings of God being activated! I was able to pray for so many people at our stand for our college ministry and during one of the services had the honor to pray for others and saw someone baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This time was very edifying for me as well and put a new fire within me to live another level with the Lord of deeper sacrifice to live the fullness of what God has for me.

Since being back, I have been able to travel to a University in Brazil here in São Paulo at a Pockets meeting with my fiancée translating. I preached about being a slave to Christ and not to sin by living the fullness of the calling of God! At the meeting nearly everyone responded and decided to seek a deeper compassion for the lost on the campus and embrace the fullness of the call to be an evangelist of Christ.

I also recently had the opportunity to travel to Boston and represent the college ministry I am a part of, Dunamis Pockets. At, “The Send” the event I went to represent, I was able to pray for dozens of people and connect with University students. Multiple people that came to our stand were touched by the Holy Spirit and I was able to have the honor to prophecy and share the heart of God! Since the event we are in the final steps of adding a new Pockets leader from the US to join our ministry in her college! What an honor to be a part of this and share the revival fire of what God is doing in Brazil. Right now, Pockets in North America has tripled in size and I am leading six different university evangelist in our bi-weekly mentorship! Praise the Lord! Keep praying for our expansion we are believing for even more this year!

Thank you! I am constantly so blown away by your constant prayer and generosity that allows me to live all of these beautiful things for Christ I am very blessed. Travelling and ministering has been stretching me in this season with my marriage NEXT MONTH. I speak for my fiancée and I that we have felt so covered by your prayers and generosity in supporting my ministry in Brazil! Praise the Lord because He is worthy!

Keep me in your prayers as Ley and I will be married next month on the 29th of November! We are so excited and feel so blessed by the Lord to be living all of these powerful moments.

Blessings, Joseph Rohland


Rohland Family Mission
