promise land

It has been another amazing month here in Brazil! God has been moving powerfully in my life and I am learning the language at an accelerated pace as well! The classes have been incredible and I have been growing in my knowledge of the Word of God and it’s application to every and all areas to my life and society. Brazil has been locked down due to Covid but that has not stopped me from sharing the love of Jesus where I can in an Uber or at the store. Also my internship with the college ministry Dunamis Pockets has been going incredibly well!! Dunamis Pockets is an incredible that ministry that is changing all of Brazil with over 350+ Pockets located all over Brazil & also is growing in other nations as well. I have been a part of leading worship for online Pockets meetings, researching for an e-book for Pockets leaders, translating documents for international Pockets, and being a part of mentoring calls with other leaders of Pockets at their University. All in all, it has been a full and amazing month filled with so much learning, growth, and opportunity. Love you guys.


powerful encounters


Here we Go