I Will Go


I am a Real Life Church missionary sent from Covington, Washington in the United States and a Portland Bible College graduate with a Bachelors of Church Music. Currently, I am living as a missionary and am working for Dunamis Movement in their college ministry Dunamis Pockets.

Who I am

Hello! My name is Joseph Rohland. I grew up in Enumclaw, Washington. I have been going to Real Life church in Covington, Washington since 2009 and have been serving in worship and youth since I was 15. While finishing my senior year of running start at Green River College, I felt God calling me to attend Portland Bible College (PBC) and pursue a Bachelors of Church Music. When I was at PBC God confirmed a call on my life to be a missionary to Brazil. Now, I am a full time missionary living in São Paulo, Brazil a part of a college ministry called Dunamis Pockets that is bring revival and reformation in universities in Brazil, The United States and Europe. We see hundreds of salvations and thousands of people reached by the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit through healings and miracles every year. Praise the Lord I get to be a part of what He is doing in the nations.


What Do I Do?

I work with the ministry Dunamis Pockets based here in São Paulo, Brazil. Dunamis Pockets is a university movement based in São Paulo, Brazil that meets weekly all over the world to awaken students to live a supernatural lifestyle and establish the Kingdom of God in this generation. Pockets wants to ignite campuses with pockets of revival that are filled with the explosive power of the Holy Spirit! The future leaders of society are within universities! Because of this, their are weekly Pockets meetings, leadership training, mentorship, and an immersive week at the Dunamis Farm to see all of society transformed.


why do i feel called to brazil?

While in Portland Bible College (PBC) I felt myself gravitating towards the international students. The people I felt the strongest connection to were the Brazilian students. I was amazed by the fiery passion that they had for God and the warm, loud, and fun culture that is Brazil. I remember in one day, God confirmed my call to be a missionary to Brazil. While in the lobby of the church, connected to PBC, I asked my Mom why I felt a calling to be a missionary. She told me that when I was a baby God told her that she was supposed to share me with the world. After this, I knew what God had put on my heart was correct. I prayed that God would show me a sign that day if I was specifically called to do ministry in Brazil. Then thirty minutes later there was a Brazilian lady that was visiting in the church lobby and she approached me and asked me if I was Brazilian. I remember telling her that I wasn’t but she insisted that I was a Brazilian. It was so convincing that my friends around me were confused and asked as well because of her confidence. Later that night when I was in the men’s dormitory, some of the different pastors connected to PBC and Mannahouse Church came to pray and speak prophecies over us. A Brazilian pastor came over to me and prayed. He told me that just like my name I was also like the Biblical Joseph. Like him, I would be taken from my land to a new land and God would raise me up there. In one day, all of these events made it undeniable that I was called to be a missionary to Brazil. Still to this day it amazes me how God miraculously answered all of these prayers in one day.


“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

— Mark 16:15 ESV